Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Becoming An Effective Leader - TRCB

Encouraging Ourselves

Encouraging Ourselves

Encouraging words are motivating. When we encourage somebody, we give them a gift of courage. It compels them to move forward. Knowing that somebody wants us to succeed and encourage us towards success brings in us the desired confidence. Here are few tips to encourage ourselves.
Let go the Negative Thoughts: Let go of those negative thoughts. We should be in control of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Why should we rely on a negative set of beliefs? If we want to succeed, we can. We just need to encourage ourselves!
Good Marks Exercise: We should give our self good marks on doing some thing positive. Make a mark on our hand every time we do something right. By the end of the day, we will have a hand covered in with marks. Each mark is something good, something positive. We should give our self a hug or a pat on the back for each right thing we do.
Mistake or Learning Experience: Mistakes are acceptable in the process of learning. Minor mistakes lead to major success. We must learn from our mistakes and focus on our positive work done.
Give the Gift of Courage to Our self: We must give the gift of courage to our self. We deserve to be courageous in everything we do. Encouragement goes a long way, and makes us able to do things we had never done.